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Friday, November 26, 2010

I'm getting better ...

at taking a day off once in a while!

I took yesterday off and didn't work. Yipppeeee! I did, however, get my Christmas cards made and put in envelopes. I need to print out the letter yet but I feel much more relaxed now that I know that's handled.

I'm going to be signing up for Constant Contact but I haven't done it yet. I want more professional newsletters. I keep wondering what I'd put in for content. The gentleman talking about it said to copy and paste content from other places. I have issues with that as a writer. I don't mind directing people toward an article that I feel is relevant, but I'm certainly not going to post it in my newsletter. Call it the oversensitivity of a writer. Am I right?

I'm fighting with my website being a blog. While I'm starting I don't want to spend a ton of money on one, but since I will do mainly e-business I wonder if that's wise. I can get what I want on a blog but I'm not sure it looks professional enough. I love my publishing site and so far everyone else has too, except for one person. I think that may be a matter of taste since her website is one I don't like. It's too bare. SIGH. I'll figure it out eventually but it may take a while.

I want to get some work maintenance tasks done this morning so I can play with my son. I can't tell you how many self employed people are taking today off. Probably the same proportion of people employed by others. I have a friend who always seems to be in crisis or taking vacations. One or the other. Needless to say she's always frantic when working.

She makes fun of my propensity toward scheduling everything, but I think I end up with more quality free time than she does, and my evenings are my own.  I have set office hours and, by adhering to them, I get done what I need to get done so I'm not always working, working, working. While she took a four day weekend, I will work from 6:00 - 9:00 a.m. this morning then take the rest of the day. I will also work from 6:00- 8:00 a.m. tomorrow doing prep work so that when I get to my office on Monday, my tasks are lined up and I don't have to waste time figuring out where I am and what I need to do.

I'll be the first to admit that each person has their own way of working, but dang! Lack of scheduling at all would drive me insane! I don't think it's healthy. It's why most businesses have set hours and why the SBA requires them. I guess if you don't ever hire anyone you're okay. If you end up hiring staff you'll have to set hours and then adjustments to both staff and scheduling would be necessary at the same time.

At any rate, it's 9:00 dear writer friends so I'm popping into the shower and getting my house under control. Once the laundry is started, my son and I have a Wii tournament planned.

Take care and have a wonderful holiday season!
Much love and joy,

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