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If you're looking for the book Children of Light you can order it a http://www.casparapublishing.com/. Please visit my blog on special needs parenting called Life on the Exceptional Side. We're always talking about something relevant to caregiving for people with special needs.

Monday, March 28, 2011

The Peter Principle

I'm in the research stage of the next book I'm writing, it's nonfiction as well. It's the longest stage of writing and the most wearying. I love the whole process but it's the most jumbled and chaotic stage of writing as well. There are times when I cut up what I'm doing and lay it all out on the floor. I walk between the pieces figuring out the order of things. It's the way of nonfiction I guess.

Now, fiction, is a completely different process. It's more organic in nature and it's my favorite to write. I'm also on the final edit (the mechanics of writing) for my first fiction book, Prairie Autumn, and my readers have that. (I hope you're reading it ladies! Hint Hint.) and finishing the second book in the four books series, Dakota Summer.

Writing fiction books is different than nonfiction. I plot, and I research as I write, and take joy in the twists and turns of subplot. It's a much more enjoyable process overall. My fiction books have anachronistic language in parts and I've taken some geographical liberties as a writer, but the books take place in eastern South Dakota, a place I lived. Think post Civil War homesteading era. Books three and four are plotted. Book two rocks! I've got so many subplots, however, that I have to be careful not to get tangled up.

There was an agent who was interested in the first book when I sent a summary. His editor, however, was clueless and annoyed me so much that, even when he called apologizing for her, I told him I wasn't interested in his agency anymore. She was arguing about when crops ripened in SD ... um yeah ... I've lived there, she's from CA. That was only the tip of the iceberg.

 I'm so anal in my writing that if my character uses a clothespin I make sure they've been invented and look at pics of the item before I put them into my story. This chick was guessing all the way through! She'd comment on something saying, "I don't believe that this was around at that time, do your research!" I'd sit here, on my end, with a photo of the item in question in my hand with invention dates and dates of widespread use. Apparently SHE should have done some research. If I would have listened to this idiot my whole book would have been screwed up! Not only that, my antagonist was weak and she never once even MENTIONED an antagonist or lack thereof. How do these people get their jobs????? Or keep them? Sheesh! The Peter Principle at work!

I have two agents who have expressed interest in the book series but I don't know if I should farm it out or publish it myself. I don't like cross-collateralization and many times that is standard in book contracts. My publishing company is set up so that I'll be able to use national distributors down the line like anyone else if I want to. It would certainly be easier to fund my son's special needs trust with a larger profit margin. <sigh> We'll see what happens. This is something I'm praying about and hoping to see the clear path on. Decisions, decisions. I don't have to decide today so I'm waiting on God's timing on this one.

At any rate, this blog is all about stream of consciousness and babbling about the craft. Feel free to chime in!

Have a great week ... write somethin' wouldja?

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