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If you're looking for the book Children of Light you can order it a http://www.casparapublishing.com/. Please visit my blog on special needs parenting called Life on the Exceptional Side. We're always talking about something relevant to caregiving for people with special needs.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Book Proposal Disclosure

I wrote a book proposal for my first book, Children of Light. It's a fifty page marketing report that took me nearly a year to write. It outlines my marketing plan in detail.

Now, anyone in marketing can tell you that the way you plan to market is highly sensitive. You hope that you come up with ideas others haven't, found venues others are still looking for, and in general, beat people to the punch. So, it should come as no surprise that marketing reports are not to be shared.

Recently, I've received help with a website and business start up from an agency that keeps pushing to see this report. Sheesh. I've sidestepped as much as I can and I finally had to say ... not going to happen! I asked some of the members of my consultancy board and they agreed that the report needs to remain close to the vest.

The odd thing is that this agency tends to believe that unless they see it, it doesn't exist. It doesn't really affect me, but it's a strange way of doing business, wouldn't you agree? hmmm. It's funny, the main gal has been immensely helpful in setting up the LLC and getting my sellers permit but kind of treats me like I don't know what I'm doing. She runs to a local writer with questions, which is fine but doesn't realize that I have about seven times the credentials. I've written for so many national and international publications I quit keeping track and just throw the complimentary copies in a bankers box when they come.

I have, however, had a two and a half year gap shere I made a transition from magazine writing to book writing and that may be throwing people off. You know what? I'm okay with that. I'm okay flying under the radar for now.

All this to say .... everyone is soooo curious to see this marketing report. With good reason. It's a how-to map to my selling! WHY, pray tell, would I share that with ANYONE! Sheesh. I'm not an idiot people!!! Keep your plans to yourself unless you want others beating you to the punch.

Have a great day,
Much love and joy,

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