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Monday, February 14, 2011

Research Monday

Today is a research day. And I love research. It's a day I give myself permission to roam about the Internet reading, compiling, running stats. I truly enjoy plugging numbers into correlational formulas or simple chi squared equations. I adore finding an obsolete source or newly formed website. Combing through studies, contacting experts, learning ... it's what research is all about.

Strangely enough, even though I give myself permission to wander, I have to be vigilant so that I'm not chasing rabbits. It's easy to get distracted by our own curiosity at the expense of the task at hand. How do you stay focused on the questions you need answered? Do you post them on the corner of your laptop, hoping they'll keep you on track? Do you allow a certain amount of time for each question you need answered? How do you do your research and take joy in the chase without ending up miles away from where you need to be?

I set a predetermined amount of time. Today it's from nine o'clock a.m. until noon. I have a number of questions that I need to answer, the questions lay to my left for easy access. I copy and paste for easy reading later, taking care to get citations and make the note "read only" on the materials. When I am done reading them I delete them so that I don't violate copyright law. All I want is to put all my facts in one place on my computer for cohesive reading during my designated reading time, which is late afternoon.

Someone asked me once, why I read research in the late afternoon. It's the same reason I do rough draft writing at that time. I'm tired. It doesn't seem like it makes sense but it's a time when my walls are down. I'm free flowing, my internal editor is turned off for the day and I spew creative vomit all over the page. In the case of research, I make quantum leaps in my thinking ... I make connections I wouldn't normally make when I'm alert and clearly focused.

Try it sometime. Write at a time when you are at your editorial best. Write about your favorite summer day. Then a couple of weeks later, wait until you're exhausted and write about the same thing. Read them both. You'll see what I mean. Pay dirt. From me to you ... have an amazing Monday. See you next week!

Much love and joy,

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